As I said last week, after a full year of working very intensely on the Peace Angels project, wandering around in the dark, finding too many ideas, and really wondering how to bring an awakening to Angel Beings on the Earth, I feel that I have more clues to the puzzle. And the birth is imminent.

As The Peace Angels come together in beautiful white gowns filled with lights, spreading love peace and grace wherever they travel, one would not suspect that one of these women's son had been murdered. Or that another had lost her babies.
Nor that many had battled addiction of the worst kinds and that some had brought up many babies on their own with little support or money.
Within The Peace Angels company there are many who have suffered everything that is not Peace. In fact, the last thing you would describe their lives to be was peaceful.
And yet, somehow within each of these people there has been a real yearning to find a way to be peaceful. To find a way to travel through the valley of death, misery and blackness, in search of the other way. Each of the people that I am working with has, in their own way, battled their own demons, and many others' demons as well, to courageously step forward in their quest for Peace.
This is why they are an extraordinary group of people. Not because of what has happened to them, but because of the way they have dealt with what has come to them.
Each time I work with them now in rehearsal (we are planning a flash mob performance at the moment for Sydney city, shhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!), I am overwhelmed with the beauty honor and grace they have. None of us have completely overcome the demons, many of us are still working through grief pain, loss and bitterness. However, there is such a commitment to finding a way through that its a great honour to work with them.
So please don't be fooled by the beautiful costumes. They have well and truly earned their dresses and their wings.
I have learned that there are many pathways to peace. Many different modalities, faiths, and ways of bringing peace into a life. Some more successful than others. I observe that unless we are 100% responsible for making new choices (healing the wounds and letting go of the hate, fear, anger and resentment), it cannot and does not happen. For whilst we hang on to the stories of the past, with the grief and the pain, we are ruled by it.
In the decision to heal, comes the decision to begin the process of letting go of the emotions that have been so raw and tumultuous and ruled our every waking moment. But ultimately there can be no peace whilst we hang on, determined to be right, or wronged, or abandoned.

Some are not able to leave the hole, and these souls need compassion for they will exist in a living hell.
But for the ones that make the decision, that pro-actively climb the steep slope out of the hole, determined to find a better way, a way of joy, happiness and peace, knowing that they deserve every ounce of it, the heavens rejoice for their courage and their tenacity in believing in themselves enough to lift.
Many of The Peace Angels are these people. They are courageous and tenacious believing that Peace is possible.

You may have a different way. Equally valid and practical for you in finding how to be love on legs and peaceful in your home, work and family relationships.
Tonight however, I honor The Peace Angels for playing their part in lifting humanity by beginning with themselves. For beginning with the inner, healing their hearts and their minds and now passing on that peace to others through their work with The Peace Angels Transformational Company.
As they rise out of the hole, many will rise with them: are you one of them?
Have a think about it, I dare you. . . . .
Loads of love
Well I am not sure if I am one of them but I sure love reading your posts and my aura expands when I am doing so. Thats a wonderful feeling for sure. Thank you lovely. Namaste. xoxo
ReplyDeleteI'm glad that you like the blog and thank you for letting me know. love Anandanetti xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx