Just as all flowers, animals, and human beings have a gestation period, whilst the very foundations of the structure are made, constructed and brought to full fruition, so the idea, project, or new venture also needs to find its strong and magnificent foundations. To allow itself to develop and grow.
Being quite an impatient person in my younger years, I am now surprised to find that I am happy at times to allow things to unfold or to emerge as a very good friend of mine would say.
The building blocks of the good idea can be different for each idea, however I believe that they have a strong resemblance each time, and although the idea or situation or statistics and padding around it may vary in the detail, the foundational work of bringing an idea to fruition requires an equation.
The equation is p + c + l + r + d = S which is passion + commitment + love + resolve + detachment from outcome = SUCCESS. So is this Success or is this Spirit? Soul. You in your highest form. I would suggest that Spirit fuels the idea, spirit elevates the idea and spirit or soul allows the idea to fly and be born. What do you think?
I am very interested in what it takes to bring a new idea into the world, to birth it here as a reality.
Not just as an idea, but a living breathing thing that is anchored on the Earth and can be seen palpably by everyone. What a glorious thought. What a miracle of creation!! That a human being can have an idea. An abstract thought; a thought whereby the human being can see the potential, the picture, the application (perhaps, but not always necessary), and then has the tenacity, skill, dedication, resolve and passion to find a way of making it REAL. To create and usher it into manifest form.
Wow! that is so cool. It sounds so easy doesn't it? And many people for many centuries have done this, but nevertheless its still a miracle.
Like the conception and foundational work and building and growing and maturing that happens in the creation of a human being, a baby. That is always WOW!!! That is always a miracle, for all concerned. Doctors and nurses who have delivered thousands of babies are often reported as saying that bringing a new life, a new spirit or soul into the world is a true and real miracle, and that it never ceases to amaze them how affected and moved they are by this miracle of life.
I would propose that a new idea, your idea, with all of its spirit, love, skill, devotion and commitment is also a miracle!
And so it is most important that any idea that you have, you treat with the reverence and love that you would believe the pregnant woman requires in firstly building and then giving birth to her baby. This nurturing and love, responsibility and concern can be applied to the creation of a miracle on Earth. Namely your idea, project or vision.
And the secret ingredient that is present in all creations, is that it may not look exactly like you thought it would look when you first started. Just as the baby when born can look like a distant relative, not one that you would have wished on anyone perhaps, so too can our ideas manifest in a way that surprises even us, but then delights and fills our hearts with joy.
This is where the detachment comes in. Often the idea is improved and enhanced with the letting go of what you thought it was going to be exactly. Often it grows and expands into a bigger version of itself when you can let go and allow it to flower.
But when it is too tightly held, constricted and contained, it can become stymied before it even begins to fly.
What has your evidence around this been?
I have spent this year allowing the visions and expansion of the Peace Angels to occur. It began with my very strong vision of exactly how it SHOULD look and what it SHOULD do.
And so now over the last twelve months I have come to see the vast potential for this Angel project unfold before my very eyes!!! A gentle allowing of what it really is. With nothing to do with should or shouldn't. A miracle is occurring for all of the 144millionpeaceangels on the Earth.
You will have to wait to hear it, because I am exhausted and I'm going to bed, but its imminent dear friends.
Have a think though about your own projects. Do you treat them with the reverence and faith, and the sense of miracle that is required for a beautiful baby. I wonder!!
Lets begin to do this . . . .
I dare you. . . .
Loads of love
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