Hello dear Angel Beings in the making. I missed the blog last week. there was nothing to say and so I decided not to try and fill it with platitudes.

Its interesting also who the people around you are that seem to set you off on the wrong or right path for the day. Knowing that nothing is really wrong, however we can choose to have a day run with ease and grace or one that is directly ruined by some one else, (supposedly).
This is the way we have all operated for many centurines. Finding ways to blame others for what is happening to us, for us, or around us. However truthfully, everything that happens in our lives is directly related to US.
Yes that seems outrageous doesn't it, but it's true. Many of you may have already understood this ancient wisdom, and many of you may be hearing this for the very first time.
There are of course levels and subtleties involved. But at the root of all things, WE create our reality.
And our thoughts directly correspond to this creation.
And so as I have spoken about before, our vibration, will help to inform how we think and what we attract into our lives. The grace that we will have in the bank and the karma that plays out around us.
Simply put, its our own responsibility to keep our lives, uplifted and joyful. We cannot rely on anyone else to do that for us. But don't freak out there are lots of things you can do to change things, and create a life of joy, bliss and inspiration.
Of course many people will lift our vibration just being with them. Some people have a naturally high vibration that inspires and lifts us. And you know when you are with someone who has a very low vibration (for whatever is going on in their lives at the time), you find yourself blobbing into their energy field and feeling quite down or sad.
So how do you lift. How do you begin the process of noticing your thoughts and doing something about it. I have been noticing my thoughts for a long time now, and so I am able to catch them often before they can have any affect on my life. There are times though that this is not the case and then, I watch the creation that occurs that is not ease and grace and that really is a pain in the butt.
Do you know what I mean? So lets talk about how to do something about this.
How do you keep your vibration high?
Very simply put, eat well, sleep well, keep good company, (really put yourself in situations with joyful and inspired people), walk in nature and then, give, forgive and serve. As my Guru Shakti Durga would say, the quickest way to build your grace bank in your life, (so that your karma is good and all that you wish for can come to you) is by giving, forgiving and serving.
Find a way to give money to those less fortunate than yourself, or to a project that you know will uplift and help humanity in some way. Always what you can afford and that you are happy to give from your heart.
Forgiveness is the next key to uplifting your vibration. Whilst you hold revenge, resentment, hatred, blame and shame in your body, its hard for the miracles of life to turn up and transform your life. Your heart stays closed and so the great big portal of love in your body - your HEART, will be blocked from receiving the love that is your divine right. So releasing these very unhelpful and negative emotions and thoughts can directly help you to build a bigger and more loving heart and then transform the love in your life in many beautiful and happy ways.
Then find a way to help anyone, who needs help. This helping (SERVING), has to be done with an open and joyful heart as well, given freely with no expectation of anything in return, and you will find that your life begins to miraculously transform. It truly is miraculous.
This is a practical recipe for beginning the process of lifting your vibration to allow more joyful and inspired and happy experiences to come to you. You'll find synchronicity and miracles begin to pop up in your life, "out of the blue", as people often say.
I am posting a short guided meditation next week that might also help to further help you to lift your vibration and find great ways to park your brain. But that's for another blog.
Have a great week,
Give it a try,
I dare you,
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