I have just returned from a big retreat, where I spent the whole week with some very evolved souls of consciousness. It was awesome, scary, and very exhilarating; like meditation on steroids.
I am now committed to anchoring this work in consciousness into every part of my current life. How do I get my head around the whole notion of living entirely to serve humanity? Its a big, bold beautiful and awesome idea, and one that I have subscribed to for many years.
However, I am now at the bit which is the doing and being of that. Not the talking and discussing of it. And now its not only when I think of it, but all the time. Yes scary. Also, their is so much faith required to step out and do this in today's world. The world of the doing and having not the world of the being and listening and yet still being in the world but not of it. So I am currently transforming from one state of consciousness to the next one. Sometimes it seems that it would be easier to go back, but truly I know in the pit of my stomach that I cannot go back. We all know that don't we? Going back is just not an option. Have you ever been in that position where you thought you could go back, so you gave it a try and whammo!, you realized immediately that it was just not going to work.
Yes I have as well. Well with consciousness, once you have passed Go, and I mean well and truly passed Go, the road opens up before you, and there is no turning back. Only forward. Over the boulders and around the curves continually looking to see what stands in your way, what will keep you down and what will downright stop you from advancing, and then courageously searching within to find the answer to a smoother passage forward. Although it can sometimes be quite bumpy, in the end you are allowed to pass. Its a big magnificent adventure. But truly not for the faint-hearted.

So this week I am grappling with these issues looking within asking for guidance and then contemplating a couple of things. How do I fully live it. And where are YOU!!
I would love some help on both counts. All Angel Beings advice welcome, and all hints on how to live it fully, learning to serve Humanity in all parts of my life, and secondly let me know where you are.
I would love to start to talk with you about a whole range of things. It really is time to engage at a deeper level and begin the work. Are you ready? Do you want to do this?
I am ready, willing and able to help you to wake up, let's go. . . .
I dare you
Loads of love
Beloved Anandanetti,
ReplyDeleteThanks once again for sharing so deeply. I have this feeling in my heart that overwhelms me when I read your words.
As I try to be peace & love in the world, it helps me to think of Shakti Durga's words; "what would love do now?" I like to think of this in relation to myself, to others and to the whole world. To keep it simple, when my mind and ego want to make it complicated. And I also try to keep refining my ego so that I can hear Divine guidance when it comes to me.
I think living it fully also means not to blame myself when I mess up, but to forgive myself and try again, as love wouldn't blame either. And I think that whatever serves me in a way that raises my vibration, also serves humanity. I like to keep things simple, as I feel that my ego is trying to manipulate me when things get complicated in my mind. So I always come back to that one question
"What would love do now?".
I would love all the help I can get to grow into more love & peace, and to help me truly wake-up!
Om Guru! Om Anandanetti!
Lots of love,
Peace Angel