Tuesday, July 3, 2012



As I woke this morning the gentle whisperings of the Angels in my ears unmistakably said, "Simplify your life".

As I went to sleep last night I was pondering my life as it is now. Do you ever do that? Reassess how you are going? Look at how things are turning out, or playing out and really look at the patterns, habits and beliefs that you have that have created where you find yourself?  For our family we are at a crossroads at this time. Our life appears to be going in a different direction, the old ways of doing things are not as effective as they have always been, the desire to struggle and just push through seems not be working. At first glance this could be terrifying, however somehow, I still don't quite understand how, I am not terrified but quietly confident that there is a different way now.

And so on waking to hear so clearly and yet so gently, "simplify your life", was a comforting, and reassuring message. If you knew me personally you would know that I have always lived in most beautiful circumstances, with many exquisite and beautiful "things" around me. Lots of "things".
For me creating beauty in my life has always been a priority, a very big priority. And this morning I saw as I woke - when I say that,  I'm not sure that I did really see, but I had the impression of a life that was more concerned with being, of being who I really am, rather than the emphasis being on what I have, or what is around me to give the right impression. And that is what I think "things", do for us, they create the impression of ourselves that we want people to see and recognize immediately. Oh she is that kind of person, or interested in those kinds of things. I am really fascinated that this has come to the surface of my life for me to look at now.  I understand that the journey back to oneself, the true and authentic self, requires an examination of these habits and of our social conditioning, I just didn't know that my many sofas would come into question. (I have many, and I am too embarrassed to tell you how many).

To reveal fully the essential Angel Being within requires that we dig deep. Reveal to ourselves the way that we are living and using our time on the Earth. I have been talking to you about this for weeks.  Well it seems that once again its my turn to really dig, mine and reassess the journey so far and choose how it will continue.

What is important to you, and to me? How do we fill our time? Who do we spend time with? All questions that I am asking myself more and more. I have to say that I am very lucky to have many extraordinary people in my life who are dedicated to living the highest truth and expression of themselves that they can. And I also live my truth.  But today up came the next level of truth for me.

How will I act upon the message that I was given this morning and how will it all work? I will pray and ask for guidance. I will sit quietly and meditate and contemplate what is around me and look at how it serves me or in fact does not serve me. Truthfully I love beauty and I have held very high standards of personal living for many years and so my attachment to this is what is in question.

I dont think that we have to live without beauty, (our own specific brand of it), but that our attachment to having to have it in order to be validated is what is up for a deep questioning for me.

What is it for you.  Can you identify what it is in your life that you are attached to, meaning that you really don't believe that you could live without.

On reflection already I know that I absolutely and categorically cannot live without LOVE. without TRUTH, without PEACE,

but I can live without 11 sofas. (half of them are my mothers, she lives with me), thats my excuse.

What can you live without? which attachment holds you back from realizing more authenticity and more love, more truth and more peace.

The beauty of the Earth is unmistakable, awe inspiring and majestic. We are surrounded by magnificence in every second and nano second of our lives if we can only see it.

Do I need 11 sofas to validate myself?  Perhaps not?

How can you simplify your world to make room for more of yourself?

Have a look,

I dare you,

Loads of love



  1. Thanks so much for vulnerably sharing that with us all, Ananda Netti.
    Recognising and opening it up to others is not comfortable at all.
    It's not comfortable but it's certainly healing.
    There is so much humility and healing on the words you shared.
    It's funny how we are all different. I see you as beautiful, wise, exquisite, loving. I wish I had a mother, sister or someone close like you.
    With the Peace Angels and all the efforts you make to make it "beautiful", the perfect wings, the perfect costume, the perfect lights, it usually gets on my "Why spending time doing that? These wings I am wearing are already good!" There is this struggle in my concerning time! I could be using my time to something that would teach me more, as I am not interested much with how I look like... I tend to be simple to the point sometimes I lose the sense of aesthetics and beauty cause because what is more important for me are my emotions rather than what I look like.
    Whereas you want to be seen as a visually beautiful person with wonderful "things" around you, I want to be seen as an emotionally healthy person, with no problems, the happiest person.
    How each one of us have different motivators to create a false and separate sense of self...
    Anyway, thank u for sharing your true self with us and humbly putting yourself on a position of humans as us all with our lessons to learn.
    It really brings all of us together.

  2. I love beauty art and music. I know I have lived without them many many times. I also know that my work in this time and in this world is to assist to bring the solace, peace and contemplative power of art to others, and the Peace Angels beautiful presentation is part of this. I believe that art is a fundamental human need. The first thing the cave dwellers did once they learned to live in shelters and make fire was put their handprints on the wall and make art from them. We can't know what their music was but I'm sure there was some! Anandanettis dream of combining her fabulous skills, taste and shakti to make a whole new way of relating to the general public is a wonderful one to me, and it is an honour to be a part of this. Perhaps the subject of the blog is really the attachment that Anandanetti speaks so bravely of -- so I will have to go away and have a really good think about that!
