Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Many of us believe in angels and many of us do not.  How do we recognize a message from the Angelic Realm, when we do believe and how do we understand, see and and hear a message from the angels when we don't believe in them.

When my Aunt Marieclaire was alive she would tell me of her experience of the Angelic Realm many years ago.  She had been feeling very anxious after her marriage had broken up, and she was experiencing very severe anxiety attacks.  Particularly when she left work around 5.00pm each day.

On this particular occasion, as she left her place of work and walked outside, she felt that her arm was supported as she walked down the step and onto the footpath.  Her arm continued to be supported all the way up Martin Place, in the city of Sydney until she reached her bus stop and was getting on the bus. Every afternoon for weeks, she was escorted and supported to the bus stop from work by an Angel.  She was so comforted by this presence that she was convinced that the Angels were helping her.  When she felt better, happier and calmer, the presence or Angel as I would say, stopped meeting and assisting her, as she no longer required this very special support.

I remember being in France when I was five months pregnant with my last child, Christian, and after visiting The Louvre, it began to snow. It was quite late in the afternoon, verging on early evening and there was not a person or a car in sight. I was concerned that I had no idea which way to go, or where to get a taxi back to the hotel.  I began to walk down the road, and as I walked I asked the Angels if this was the right way to a taxi. The answer was very loud and it said NO! Turn around and go the other way! I did, and as I reached the corner, a taxi drove slowly up the street, and stopped for me immediately.  I was very relieved and hopped in and thanked my Angelic friends for their wonderful help. Do these kinds of things happen to you?  Do you ask for help?  

Now there is also help available in the physical world as well. 

Of recent times I have become aware that I don't ask for much help for myself in life. I do ask Angels to help but not friends or humans to help me. 

This became particularly noticeable when I was away in Newcastle recently and a friend was upset that I was staying at a Youth Hostel and asked me to move to her home. Another friend immediately asked some people to help us move, carry bags and chattels to the car, which was down lots of stairs and outside on the street. The bags were heavy and it was such a relief to have help.

I realised that I would never have asked for help, I would have done it on my own.  How many of you would have asked for help in doing these tasks.  It's a really interesting habit that I have identified.  I am very happy to help others, and somewhat reticent to ask for help personally. I will happily ask for help with my work, The Peace Angels, but not help for me.

What is that do you think? A lack of belief in the process of others helping me with my life, this seems ridiculous. What do you think?

Service is a great way to boost your grace bank and to help your heart to expand and wake up.
Big hearts often do lots in society to help others, however do they ask for help themselves?

I would like you to think about this. Do you believe that you deserve help? Do you ask for help?  Do you help others?

Did you know that service is one of the most valuable and brilliant ways to increase your joy, your income, your happiness, and your grace bank.  You might ask what does that mean, a Grace Bank? It means your grace in this world. Good things happening for you, ease of life I suppose is a good explanation. I remember many years ago a psychic telling my husband that a certain day in July would be his most brilliant and lucky day ever.  That he had grace. He thought immediately that he might win a new job or the lottery. However, when that day actually came, nothing seemed to be very different not to mention brilliant. However during the course of the day it became evident that Christian was very ill, in fact what I thought had been a tummy upset with a headache turned into viral menangitis.  After the very serious events of the day, with a group of very worried doctors  which also included a lumbar puncture and isolation at the Royal North Shore hospital and many opinions and prayers, Christian pulled through this very serious illness and he recovered fully.

A very lucky day, a day of grace.  

Now we don't set out to just fill our grace banks, but hopefully we find great joy in our hearts in helping others, in offering service and being of practical use in the world to others.

One of the important aspects of service is that it must be given generously, without an attachment to the outcome or what you might get out of it. A pure act of service is a gift to humanity.

Angel Beings are often good at this. Some may require a little nudge to remember and wake up, but once one experiences the feeling of joy and happiness that comes from a selfless act of service the lantern is lit. And you are off and running.

I wonder if you could find a way to serve.  Remember it must be done joyfully and without an expectation of any result.  However I am happy to announce that one of the laws of the Universe will help to create those "Lucky Days", you hear people talking about. The Grace Bank account.

And then when you need help yourself, ask, ask the Angels and ask your friends. It's a lovely thing to help a friend. It makes us feel that we are part of your life, that we are special and that we matter.

That I may serve, was my school motto. I understand it much better now than when I was ten years old.

With loads of love,

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