The whole world is poised in front of their television sets watching the great Olympians, dive, swim, row, run, jump, box and ride, to name just a few of the exceedingly wonderful activities that are being undertaken in London for this 2012 Olympic Games.
I have to say that I love the community that is created when the world gets together for an Olympic Games. It seems during the Opening Ceremony that we are truly a world where values and virtues are important. Where together we are working on and facing the big challenges of Mother Earth with gusto, commitment and fortitude. It always gives me such great hope that one day this will be the absolute truth.
I know that there are a few very committed, highly strategic, and wonderfully inspired humans doing their work here on planet Earth. Each of them holding the vision of peace, holding the vision of enough food for all, enough health care for all, clean air, clean water and clean soil for every woman man and child.
How do we make this a reality for many more of us? How do we understand that the health of the planet as a whole reflects how we feel about ourselves and each other. As the health of the planet will directly affect us. I know this may sound a little political. And that's not really my bag. But I am interested in knowing how to galvanize the many societies on the Earth to look for better ways to live and grow together here on Earth.
I do know that there are 144millionangelbeings here, ready to be woken up. Ready to be activated. I bet that many of you will know how to do things differently. New ways that will serve us all better.
It's just a matter of finding you, reminding you of your job, whatever that may be, and watching you rejuvenate and re-constitute this planet with your wonderful seeds of love, peace and ingenuity.
Do you know any Angel Beings yourself? Can you help me to find them? I believe that the time is now, and we are all ready to begin our work. And when I say whatever that may be, I mean that. Not every one of us will do big things, in fact a very great Guru Shakti Durga says, "In the great things be humble, and in the small things be great". Such a wonderful line, isn't it?
Some of us will make beautiful cakes, some will climb mountains, some will change societies, and some will meditate on peace for their whole lives. Each and every one of us has the capacity to change the world with not what we do. Not what we have. But with who we are. With the vibration that we choose to inhabit.
That means your resting vibration. Like a radio station, each of us tunes ourselves into a certain vibration. This vibration depends on what we believe, what we eat, where we hang out, who we hang out with, in fact a whole big bundle of variables. But a really interesting thing to contemplate.
Once you realize that you are an Angel Being, then I can begin to help you to understand about your vibration and how to maintain it. How to allow it to help lift humanity. In fact how to lift all the people around you just by being with them.
Sounds neat doesn't it. A kind act lifts your vibration. Giving, forgiving and serving will lift your vibration. Helping others, and also helping and caring for yourself, and knowing that you are capable of giving and receiving infinite love, all of this will change your vibration. Shiny people, have clear and high vibrations that are really palpable. You know when you meet someone like that. They are unmistakable.
If you are an Angel Being, you may wish to contemplate this notion. Its absolutely fascinating. Have a think about your vibration. What lifts it and what plummets it.
Each one of us can help to lift humanity by simply lifting ourselves.
Ready, steady, go, all together creating heaven on Earth.
I dare you. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
loads of love