Monday, July 30, 2012


The whole world is poised in front of their television sets watching the great Olympians, dive, swim, row, run, jump, box and ride, to name just a few of the exceedingly wonderful activities that are being undertaken in London for this 2012 Olympic Games. 

I have to say that I love the community that is created when the world gets together for an Olympic Games. It seems during the Opening Ceremony that we are truly a world where values and virtues are important.  Where together we are working on and facing the big challenges of Mother Earth with gusto, commitment and fortitude. It always gives me such great hope that one day this will be the absolute truth.

But sadly, I'm not sure if the majority of the worlds leaders and population are at all interested in the longevity of this planet or of finding the highest and best solutions as to how to manage our home better for the highest good of all.

I know that there are a few very committed, highly strategic, and wonderfully inspired humans doing their work here on planet Earth. Each of them holding the vision of peace, holding the vision of enough food for all, enough health care for all, clean air, clean water and clean soil for every woman man and child.

How do we make this a reality for many more of us?  How do we understand that the health of the planet as a whole reflects how we feel about ourselves and each other.  As the health of the planet will directly affect us. I know this may sound a little political. And that's not really my bag. But I am interested in knowing how to galvanize the many societies on the Earth to look for better ways to live and grow together here on Earth.

I do know that there are 144millionangelbeings here, ready to be woken up. Ready to be activated. I bet that many of you will know how to do things differently. New ways that will serve us all better.

It's just a matter of finding you, reminding you of your job, whatever that may be, and watching you rejuvenate and re-constitute this planet with your wonderful seeds of love, peace and ingenuity.

Do you know any Angel Beings yourself?  Can you help me to find them?  I believe that the time is now, and we are all ready to begin our work.  And when I say whatever that may be, I mean that. Not every one of us will do big things, in fact a very great Guru Shakti Durga says, "In the great things be humble, and in the small things be great".  Such a wonderful line, isn't it?

Some of us will make beautiful cakes, some will climb mountains, some will change societies, and some will meditate on peace for their whole lives.  Each and every one of us has the capacity to change the world with not what we do.  Not what we have.  But with who we are.  With the vibration that we choose to inhabit. 

That means your resting vibration. Like a radio station, each of us tunes ourselves into a certain vibration.  This vibration depends on what we believe, what we eat, where we hang out, who we hang out with, in fact a whole big bundle of variables. But a really interesting thing to contemplate.

Once you realize that you are an Angel Being, then I can begin to help you to understand about your vibration and how to maintain it.  How to allow it to help lift humanity. In fact how to lift all the people around you just by being with them. 

Sounds neat doesn't it. A kind act lifts your vibration. Giving, forgiving and serving will lift your vibration. Helping others, and also helping and caring for yourself, and knowing that you are capable of giving and receiving infinite love, all of this will change your vibration.  Shiny people, have clear and high vibrations that are really palpable.  You know when you meet someone like that. They are unmistakable.   

If you are an Angel Being, you may wish to contemplate this notion. Its absolutely fascinating. Have a think about your vibration. What lifts it and what plummets it. 

Each one of us can help to lift humanity by simply lifting ourselves. 

Ready, steady, go, all together creating heaven on Earth.

I dare you. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

loads of love

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Many of us believe in angels and many of us do not.  How do we recognize a message from the Angelic Realm, when we do believe and how do we understand, see and and hear a message from the angels when we don't believe in them.

When my Aunt Marieclaire was alive she would tell me of her experience of the Angelic Realm many years ago.  She had been feeling very anxious after her marriage had broken up, and she was experiencing very severe anxiety attacks.  Particularly when she left work around 5.00pm each day.

On this particular occasion, as she left her place of work and walked outside, she felt that her arm was supported as she walked down the step and onto the footpath.  Her arm continued to be supported all the way up Martin Place, in the city of Sydney until she reached her bus stop and was getting on the bus. Every afternoon for weeks, she was escorted and supported to the bus stop from work by an Angel.  She was so comforted by this presence that she was convinced that the Angels were helping her.  When she felt better, happier and calmer, the presence or Angel as I would say, stopped meeting and assisting her, as she no longer required this very special support.

I remember being in France when I was five months pregnant with my last child, Christian, and after visiting The Louvre, it began to snow. It was quite late in the afternoon, verging on early evening and there was not a person or a car in sight. I was concerned that I had no idea which way to go, or where to get a taxi back to the hotel.  I began to walk down the road, and as I walked I asked the Angels if this was the right way to a taxi. The answer was very loud and it said NO! Turn around and go the other way! I did, and as I reached the corner, a taxi drove slowly up the street, and stopped for me immediately.  I was very relieved and hopped in and thanked my Angelic friends for their wonderful help. Do these kinds of things happen to you?  Do you ask for help?  

Now there is also help available in the physical world as well. 

Of recent times I have become aware that I don't ask for much help for myself in life. I do ask Angels to help but not friends or humans to help me. 

This became particularly noticeable when I was away in Newcastle recently and a friend was upset that I was staying at a Youth Hostel and asked me to move to her home. Another friend immediately asked some people to help us move, carry bags and chattels to the car, which was down lots of stairs and outside on the street. The bags were heavy and it was such a relief to have help.

I realised that I would never have asked for help, I would have done it on my own.  How many of you would have asked for help in doing these tasks.  It's a really interesting habit that I have identified.  I am very happy to help others, and somewhat reticent to ask for help personally. I will happily ask for help with my work, The Peace Angels, but not help for me.

What is that do you think? A lack of belief in the process of others helping me with my life, this seems ridiculous. What do you think?

Service is a great way to boost your grace bank and to help your heart to expand and wake up.
Big hearts often do lots in society to help others, however do they ask for help themselves?

I would like you to think about this. Do you believe that you deserve help? Do you ask for help?  Do you help others?

Did you know that service is one of the most valuable and brilliant ways to increase your joy, your income, your happiness, and your grace bank.  You might ask what does that mean, a Grace Bank? It means your grace in this world. Good things happening for you, ease of life I suppose is a good explanation. I remember many years ago a psychic telling my husband that a certain day in July would be his most brilliant and lucky day ever.  That he had grace. He thought immediately that he might win a new job or the lottery. However, when that day actually came, nothing seemed to be very different not to mention brilliant. However during the course of the day it became evident that Christian was very ill, in fact what I thought had been a tummy upset with a headache turned into viral menangitis.  After the very serious events of the day, with a group of very worried doctors  which also included a lumbar puncture and isolation at the Royal North Shore hospital and many opinions and prayers, Christian pulled through this very serious illness and he recovered fully.

A very lucky day, a day of grace.  

Now we don't set out to just fill our grace banks, but hopefully we find great joy in our hearts in helping others, in offering service and being of practical use in the world to others.

One of the important aspects of service is that it must be given generously, without an attachment to the outcome or what you might get out of it. A pure act of service is a gift to humanity.

Angel Beings are often good at this. Some may require a little nudge to remember and wake up, but once one experiences the feeling of joy and happiness that comes from a selfless act of service the lantern is lit. And you are off and running.

I wonder if you could find a way to serve.  Remember it must be done joyfully and without an expectation of any result.  However I am happy to announce that one of the laws of the Universe will help to create those "Lucky Days", you hear people talking about. The Grace Bank account.

And then when you need help yourself, ask, ask the Angels and ask your friends. It's a lovely thing to help a friend. It makes us feel that we are part of your life, that we are special and that we matter.

That I may serve, was my school motto. I understand it much better now than when I was ten years old.

With loads of love,

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Oh my that could sound very corny. But before you jump to a big judgement, think about the different rhythms and sounds that accompany your life.

I thought today about the fact that our house is now quiet, apart from meowing cats and our dog chasing birds in the garden, not much disturbs the quiet in our home. Yes a teenage son and his mother (me) can become a little heated occasionally but in general its quiet. In fact quite contemplative. I have to admit that I chant and play Indian chants often to clear the house, clean the energy and generally uplift the energy to a higher vibration. And there can be contemporary music or classical music playing, but the ambient sounds of this house are very gentle. Yes the refrigerator beeps, as does the washing machine, and the outside refrigerator, the iron and that together with the cats is the most noise that we encounter. It is a good reminder to me that without electricity it would be dead quiet. Laughter is also an infectious sound that brings the whole house to life in a most conscious and delicious way. Don't you agree?

The quiet creates a space, space to think and allow new ideas and thoughts to occur to us. It allows me to quiet my mind, restore calm, and sink deeper into a more observational state than being fully in everything. It feels good and now I have come to really appreciate this about my life. I hear birds, watch flowers growing, and listen to the sounds of life around me. Like an observer, and yet still living it.

There was a time of course when the music of my life was very different. It was full of dense noise, very dramatic words, dramatic gestures and loud exclamations and pronunciations, coupled with loud rock music, (which was sometimes fun), screaming children, many events and a crowded mind full of many and varied thoughts constantly vying for my attention. Gosh it was full on. I was always tired, always exhausted, I often exclaimed that I could not cope and how would I ever get through it all.  But we do, thank goodness.

I think that small children bring a lot of noise, some of it not to be missed although I watched my daughter suffering last week as both her small children, aged two and a half and four months screamed non stop in her ears for a whole day. Wow, I remember that and I remember how exhausting that was.

How my life has changed. Changing my symphony has taken a lot of attention.  Firstly my thoughts have had a radical clean out, an upgrade and generally a little control now around what I will allow my mind to think about. I am more willing to hold onto peace,  and not allow my mind and my thoughts to run away with me. You know what I mean. Its like picking a scab on your leg. You start with one thought - a little worry, and before you know it the music has become so obsessive and frenetic, like an out of control violin,  that no longer is there any room for a big long lustrous key change, and you end up with a big open wound.

How do you control your mind and create an environment that allows you to breathe. That allows you to take a breath and hear the songs of the Angels. Even with the babies screaming, is there some time and space for the whisperings of your soul. The gentle breeze through the trees and the sound of the wind around the house.

When it was still full on, (my life),  and when I was still in the major part of renovating my symphony, (my mind),  I would, and still do,  chant beautiful sanscrit words that would change the way I was feeling and change the way my body was vibrating. You know that we are made up of compressed energy, and so to use sound to move through this energy creates a different vibration.  I know that it sounds a little strange, but truly these words, the sanscrit ones have been used for thousands of years and have such a deep level of consciousness within them that they help to clean and purify your body, your mind and a whole lot more.

I have to admit that in the beginning I would long for more words, a different verse, something in fact for my mind to relate to, work with I think is what it wanted. However I persisted and what happened to my great surprise was that I began to love the chanting. Fancy that!!  I was shocked and surprised to find that I would feel my heart open, my mind clear and my spirits soar. It takes a little while, say twenty minutes to really feel any effect.

I believe that some people love chanting, right from the beginning,  but I have to admit I really didn't. I just put up with it. Like medicine. But slowly the medicine began to work. Yes, more and more, until now I have to tell you that I crave the medicine and the opportunity to chant.

So I am asking you to find some new ways to create space in your life, in your mind, so that the whisperings of your soul can begin to filter through and that you are able to hear them.

You see my ulterior motive is that I know who you are. And I am hoping that you will begin to hear your soul talking to you, giving you hints, creating great surprises and memories for you to experience that will help you to understand and see who you truly are.

I am asking you to listen to a different tune, and to tune into a different sound.
Hear your life like a symphony,  listen deeply to what is around you, your own voice, the voices of others, the music of your life.

And then how do you sweeten its sound, and how do you make room and space to hear the magic and mystery of the other. Listen Angels . . .

I dare you,

love again

Tuesday, July 3, 2012



As I woke this morning the gentle whisperings of the Angels in my ears unmistakably said, "Simplify your life".

As I went to sleep last night I was pondering my life as it is now. Do you ever do that? Reassess how you are going? Look at how things are turning out, or playing out and really look at the patterns, habits and beliefs that you have that have created where you find yourself?  For our family we are at a crossroads at this time. Our life appears to be going in a different direction, the old ways of doing things are not as effective as they have always been, the desire to struggle and just push through seems not be working. At first glance this could be terrifying, however somehow, I still don't quite understand how, I am not terrified but quietly confident that there is a different way now.

And so on waking to hear so clearly and yet so gently, "simplify your life", was a comforting, and reassuring message. If you knew me personally you would know that I have always lived in most beautiful circumstances, with many exquisite and beautiful "things" around me. Lots of "things".
For me creating beauty in my life has always been a priority, a very big priority. And this morning I saw as I woke - when I say that,  I'm not sure that I did really see, but I had the impression of a life that was more concerned with being, of being who I really am, rather than the emphasis being on what I have, or what is around me to give the right impression. And that is what I think "things", do for us, they create the impression of ourselves that we want people to see and recognize immediately. Oh she is that kind of person, or interested in those kinds of things. I am really fascinated that this has come to the surface of my life for me to look at now.  I understand that the journey back to oneself, the true and authentic self, requires an examination of these habits and of our social conditioning, I just didn't know that my many sofas would come into question. (I have many, and I am too embarrassed to tell you how many).

To reveal fully the essential Angel Being within requires that we dig deep. Reveal to ourselves the way that we are living and using our time on the Earth. I have been talking to you about this for weeks.  Well it seems that once again its my turn to really dig, mine and reassess the journey so far and choose how it will continue.

What is important to you, and to me? How do we fill our time? Who do we spend time with? All questions that I am asking myself more and more. I have to say that I am very lucky to have many extraordinary people in my life who are dedicated to living the highest truth and expression of themselves that they can. And I also live my truth.  But today up came the next level of truth for me.

How will I act upon the message that I was given this morning and how will it all work? I will pray and ask for guidance. I will sit quietly and meditate and contemplate what is around me and look at how it serves me or in fact does not serve me. Truthfully I love beauty and I have held very high standards of personal living for many years and so my attachment to this is what is in question.

I dont think that we have to live without beauty, (our own specific brand of it), but that our attachment to having to have it in order to be validated is what is up for a deep questioning for me.

What is it for you.  Can you identify what it is in your life that you are attached to, meaning that you really don't believe that you could live without.

On reflection already I know that I absolutely and categorically cannot live without LOVE. without TRUTH, without PEACE,

but I can live without 11 sofas. (half of them are my mothers, she lives with me), thats my excuse.

What can you live without? which attachment holds you back from realizing more authenticity and more love, more truth and more peace.

The beauty of the Earth is unmistakable, awe inspiring and majestic. We are surrounded by magnificence in every second and nano second of our lives if we can only see it.

Do I need 11 sofas to validate myself?  Perhaps not?

How can you simplify your world to make room for more of yourself?

Have a look,

I dare you,

Loads of love
