Monday, May 14, 2012

To Fly or Not to Fly

To Fly or Not to Fly

All of us have to make the decision at certain times in our lives as to whether we are prepared to move forward or whether the comfort in where we are holds us firmly in a holding position. Many of us including me can find many  reasons why its just too hard to move forward and why we need to stay where we are. Have  you ever felt like that? I have so many times. I suppose the knack is to recognize when its about not expanding and letting go of the past or when its important to use your skills of discernment regarding what your duties are and fulfilling the many different roles of sister, brother, wife, husband, friend or mother/father, spiritual teacher and guru.

I have always been slightly challenged in finding the balance in my work life family configuration. It has up until now usually been feast or famine. You know what I mean. Working all the time, completely focused on the tasks at hand and completely not present in the family situation (that for me is meditating, chanting, planning Peace Angel world takeovers, and thinking about 144 million angel beings: OR spending months, plumping cushions, cooking fabulous meals, and picking up children from school. Having time to help at school, running trivia nights, and organizing copious young people to stay over and feeding the hordes at regular intervals). 

But how is the balance kept between the two. I do find it challenging. I think I must be completely compulsive about whatever is really exciting me at the time. Do you find that? If I am directing a piece of Peace Angel theatre for example,  all I think about is the piece, I really couldn't  care whether or not anyone is fed, watered, showered or dressed. I simply just don't care.

So within all of this how do we keep the balance, so that we do stay present in each moment. So that we are not always looking over our shoulders and wishing we were somewhere else when the excitement factor is not at 100 out of 10. I think for me that the answer came two weeks ago when I really wanted to be at a big spiritual weekend and I really knew that I was needed at home. I had made peace with it but still there was a tiny lingering wish that I was there and not here.

So sitting in bed on the Saturday morning talking to a friend, I realized quite dramatically actually that every moment of our lives is and can be potentially precious. There are not more precious moments than others. All moments are precious.  That craning our heads in the other direction takes us out of the preciousness of the moment into the unreality of expectation and attachment.  Wow what a revelation. It struck me so fully that I was elated and really had one of those aha experiences.!!

This realization has brought me a lot of peace over the last few weeks. I have understood that I am absolutely where I am supposed to be. Meaning that when I am supposed to be addressing the UN about how to broker peace during the Age of Angels, I'll be there. And that when its time for the Peace Angels to walk through twelve countries around the Globe, I'll be there. That when its time to welcome and wake up a million angel beings, (stage 1), I'll so be there. And when its time to help my son learn his lines for a play I will be the one reading all the other parts and when my beautiful grand children want to go to the park, I'll be there. 

I will be flying, no matter what the circumstance is, and no matter where I am. . . . where will you be?

Such peace,


1 comment:

  1. ...there is such grace in our daily lives, and such challenges aren't there!? favourite Zen expression:
    'Before enlightenment, chopping wood and carrying water, after enlightenment, chopping wood and carrying water.."
