Monday, May 28, 2012


Are you courageous enough, brave enough, inquisitive enough to search for the real you?
Are you willing to dive deep and find the path back to yourself?  Your true authentic self? 

It is the stuff of a Harrison Ford adventure, it contains, intrigue, sacrifice, monsters, many leaps of faith and a big helping of surrender. Coupled with an open heart and a determination to reveal the truth of you to yourself: you could embark, (if you are brave enough),  on the adventure of a lifetime. Truly, never a truer word was spoken.
The adventure of a lifetime. This lifetime I mean. Not past or future possibilities.

The journey within: to mine the rich fields of experiences, relationships, and beliefs that you hold deeply within yourself, is truly a journey through the matrix that has been formed around you, within you and by you. It was brought with you into this life in order that you begin to work with it again, and together with the rich gems that you have found this time around, you begin the process of refining and developing, expanding your consciousness, and allowing yourself to let go of the past, to let go of the pain, to let go of all the obstacles to love, peace and joy that lie within your matrix, within your blueprint, your astral body.

I have embarked on this journey, in fact, I don't know if it will ever end, I am still travelling and learning every day in every moment more and more of who I am and how it is that I manage to live in the world but not be of the world. And yet maintaining friendships, family, work colleagues and contracts. How do we do this in a modern world?
The world of matter and materialism. Not living in a monastery, or an ashram, but in the concrete world of the mass media and mass consciousness of the 21st Century. How do we let go of the attachments, let go of expectations and needs? Holy dooley, its a huge ask. Not, however if your soul really yearns for the deeper mystical experiences.

The journey within requires silence, deep contemplation and prayer. Chants, communion with the divine, with your Soul, with God. The distractions are gigantic. However, isn't the point also that we serve humanity, yes we can do that by lifting our personal vibrations, but we are also serving humanity when we work in the world, look after our families and enjoy our lives. this may sound like a common theme in my blog at the moment. I am constantly juggling the two worlds, conscious of not letting fear jump into either one. Constantly vigilant against attaching too strongly to either of these realities. For when one does, then the picture begins to solidify and not remain fluid and constantly evolving, then it feels wrong.

The perfect dance between the two is the great achievement. Is that an attachment? But is it ever achieved, I don't think so. I think that's the point of  magic. It's a mystery, a mystical mystery. Now that sounds grand and small and wonderful all in the same bite.

In a meditation that I ran over the weekend, I asked the people there to look at the current mask that they were wearing. The removal of the mask represented the opportunity to shed another veil to anchoring more of their true essence, and to dive into the matrix and have a look at one of the devices that we can use to hide our true magnificence.  It was a powerful experience for us all.  I could see many masks being removed by the Angels, by great and wise Mystics such as Jesus, Mother Mary and Babaji.

The work is sacred, and very profitable. Asking yourself what am I showing to the world in order to hide the real me? It's a good question to ask yourself. It's a lovely contemplation. My masks have been so beautifully constructed. I have been in my time a Master of the Mask. Sounds interesting doesn't it?  Well in the final analysis, it really isn't. Its just a veil, a wall, a big lock on allowing your soul to inhabit you with the deep truth and presence of the divine. Your soul essence.  And until you have experienced this you really have not lived!!

If you are ready,  go quiet, be still and  ask for your Angels to help you to recognize a mask that you are wearing... ask them to protect you and look after you during the process and to stay with you the whole time ... have a look and see what the mask represents, and why you have been holding it in place for so long, what benefit it has been to you ... then, if you feel able,  ask the Angels to help you to release this mask (this may happen immediately or it may happen over time). Take your time and be gentle with yourself... you may find that when the mask is removed that you feel different - clear and more yourself. More able to fathom the great soul presence that you are. Ask the Angels to heal your face, or whichever part of your body the mask was covering... ask them to bathe your face in love and light and heal any impurities, leaving it clean and clear.

You may even find that an Angel being has been there all along ... now ...  stop ... give thanks for the healing to the Angels ... listen ...  to the sweet still voice of your soul.....

I dare you .... 

loads of love

Tuesday, May 22, 2012



Tonight I have been wondering about what really makes our hearts sing. What makes my heart sing, is knowing that I am on track.  What does that mean to you? Being on track. For me it means that I am doing what I am supposed to be doing.  In my heart I know what my purpose is for the moment. And so with every part of my being, I am discovering how to fulfill that purpose. Investigating it more fully, looking at my motivations, refining how to go about it, and endlessly talking about it. Putting plans into action and dreaming it into existence.  Even this blog is exactly about this same thing. Part of my mission is to find 144millionangelbeings on Earth. I am really calling you all through this blog. That may seem like madness but for this day and the last month, this has seemed the place to start.
So yes this blog means that I am on track and writing the blog brings a great sense of peace and joy.
I once heard Deepak Chopra talking about purpose and destiny. He said in the conversation that he told his children to ask themselves every day, "What is my purpose, what am I supposed to do with my life?

I remember hearing this and thinking it was really cool, but I had no idea how to put it into practice.
You know what I mean. You just don't get it, until you get it.  As I grew up I  thought being an actor would be the thing that would make my heart sing. Ha Ha, the reality of it absolutely terrified me. I did go to Nida, which was incredibly amazing, terrifying, and wonderful all at the same time. And that is where I met my husband, (that's another story), but when I wanted to be a big time actor, I had no idea that really what made my heart sing, was creating pieces of performance, teaching actors, and directing. That was a huge surprise. But a really happy one.

And the journey has taken me from there to wanting to create big sacred performances with the Peace Angels that anchor peace in whole cities and using theatre, art, energy, love and God to do it. Wow. That's a huge concept. But its what makes my heart sing.  Looking for the 144millionaangelbeings, that makes my heart sing and soar. Creating a big performance story with a group of indigenous children, or refugee children -  using, theatre art and energy and yes you got it miracles - now that would make my heart sing.  Having the Centre for Angels up and running helps me to dream at night. Finishing my book called the Cherubinos would really make my heart sing . . and the list goes on.

Sitting quietly, connected to spirit, allowing the great peace that is, to engulf me with love, ignites every part of me in genuine joy and genuine happiness. Small gestures for my life, quiet gestures that fill me up and remind me of my humanity, my earthliness, as well as my deep connection to the stars.
Holding a brand new baby, singing my favourite song, remembering to connect to the joy, connecting to the truth of my self. My soul. Connection to self - that's really connecting to the rich tapestry that is woven from the choices that I make on a daily basis for my life. This precious and magnificent experience that we are all having. Consciously choosing, and surrendering the outcome.

So I ask you directly, what makes your heart sing Angel beings?. What is it that allows your spirit to soar? To sing to the heavens. What is it that allows you to feel totally in bliss? Is it your work? Is it your family? Is it when you pray? Is it the dreams that you have for your life?  What is it that makes you elated? Joyful? Luminous and shiny, with bubbles of joy and tingling skin. Or that great feeling of knowing that you are on track.

Now this might all sound a bit Disney. And I understand that some of you may think this is just mad. But honestly, we all have to give this a go. It is the way to love being on this planet. I have spent years now releasing more and more of what kept me in the prison of believing that it had to be hard and difficult and oh you know, challenging. Yes it is all of that, and that is what makes it magnificent.
We are having this experience in a human body for a reason. What do you think your reason is? Honestly how dreadful would it be if you got to the other side and someone said to you, you know an Angel of Transition for instance, said, "So how did you go with your mission?"., and you looked blankly at this beautiful Angel of Transition and said, "What mission?'. Now really, get on with it.

Sing me your song, I dare you

With love again and again,

Monday, May 14, 2012

To Fly or Not to Fly

To Fly or Not to Fly

All of us have to make the decision at certain times in our lives as to whether we are prepared to move forward or whether the comfort in where we are holds us firmly in a holding position. Many of us including me can find many  reasons why its just too hard to move forward and why we need to stay where we are. Have  you ever felt like that? I have so many times. I suppose the knack is to recognize when its about not expanding and letting go of the past or when its important to use your skills of discernment regarding what your duties are and fulfilling the many different roles of sister, brother, wife, husband, friend or mother/father, spiritual teacher and guru.

I have always been slightly challenged in finding the balance in my work life family configuration. It has up until now usually been feast or famine. You know what I mean. Working all the time, completely focused on the tasks at hand and completely not present in the family situation (that for me is meditating, chanting, planning Peace Angel world takeovers, and thinking about 144 million angel beings: OR spending months, plumping cushions, cooking fabulous meals, and picking up children from school. Having time to help at school, running trivia nights, and organizing copious young people to stay over and feeding the hordes at regular intervals). 

But how is the balance kept between the two. I do find it challenging. I think I must be completely compulsive about whatever is really exciting me at the time. Do you find that? If I am directing a piece of Peace Angel theatre for example,  all I think about is the piece, I really couldn't  care whether or not anyone is fed, watered, showered or dressed. I simply just don't care.

So within all of this how do we keep the balance, so that we do stay present in each moment. So that we are not always looking over our shoulders and wishing we were somewhere else when the excitement factor is not at 100 out of 10. I think for me that the answer came two weeks ago when I really wanted to be at a big spiritual weekend and I really knew that I was needed at home. I had made peace with it but still there was a tiny lingering wish that I was there and not here.

So sitting in bed on the Saturday morning talking to a friend, I realized quite dramatically actually that every moment of our lives is and can be potentially precious. There are not more precious moments than others. All moments are precious.  That craning our heads in the other direction takes us out of the preciousness of the moment into the unreality of expectation and attachment.  Wow what a revelation. It struck me so fully that I was elated and really had one of those aha experiences.!!

This realization has brought me a lot of peace over the last few weeks. I have understood that I am absolutely where I am supposed to be. Meaning that when I am supposed to be addressing the UN about how to broker peace during the Age of Angels, I'll be there. And that when its time for the Peace Angels to walk through twelve countries around the Globe, I'll be there. That when its time to welcome and wake up a million angel beings, (stage 1), I'll so be there. And when its time to help my son learn his lines for a play I will be the one reading all the other parts and when my beautiful grand children want to go to the park, I'll be there. 

I will be flying, no matter what the circumstance is, and no matter where I am. . . . where will you be?

Such peace,


Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Angel Beings of the Earth please wake up and remember who you are. Tucked up in your beds of unknowing-ness, remember that it's now time to begin your work; to truly connect to the heavens and to let the light and golden grace that is ready to be birthed on Earth float down through you and cover all on the plains of this planet with the blazing Angelic light.

But how will I find you?  Today I found Len, the man who helped me get my car back after a major kerfuffle. The car had been repossessed and has been away for three months. A very big and frightening story for me to be in when nothing like this had ever happened to me before.  Although throughout the unfolding of this story I knew there was something else in this, some other learning, and some other level of grace, still to be revealed (I'll keep you posted). Len, who I bought the car back from, has stuck in my mind as a genuine, gentle speaker of truth.   It sounds weird but here was a man who had nothing to prove, not wanting to impress.  Just a sweet and comforting energy, with a love of authenticity which  like a blazing light streams out of him.  He managed my buying back of the car,  (he knew the story), with such respect, such lack of judgement and such a genuine attitude of help. Yes, Len is an Angel Being.  Thank you Len for showing me yourself. Thank you for helping me and asking nothing in return. Thank you for being totally authentic. And thank you for my car, I had completely let go of it, so it's a lovely surprise to have it back. The big learning for me has been how do we stay peaceful, non judgmental and cool when something like losing your car, a big loss of face and practical concern happens to you?  This has been the real learning, this is where the peace in Peace Angel comes from. In all moments of life whether wonderful and or deeply challenging, there is peace. Easily said, but how easily is it lived and experienced?  I can honestly say that I felt peace during this situation, even though I was sad, I did not lose my peace.  Thank you angels!!

I have been thinking about the qualities of Angel Beings. For centuries we have thought that humans could not carry the qualities of Angels. However I really think that they can. All of us know people who just seem to have that really gentle way with them. You know the ones that just turn up and help when you really need it.  They seem able to hear the Angels from the heavens more readily and they just do what is needed. Do you know anyone like that? 

But you know it's all very well to have these ideas about what an Angel Being is, because I think at the end of the day it's a feeling that each person carries within themselves.  There is a real yearning for something more. It's quite a remote feeling sometimes, hard to catch onto, in the busy whirlwind experience of our lives. But it's there, deep, elusive, flying and whispering on the winds around us; this feeling that there is something that you were meant to do; something that is waiting for you. Something more!!  I had experienced it for many many years, and so set about looking for what it might be. What is my destiny? What is the purpose of my life on this planet? Trying to hear, seeking to understand and sometimes listening.

For twenty years I have sought the truth of who I truly am.  I have done so many courses, read hundreds of books, traveled up and down freeways and across the Globe to find more and more answers to the yearning within. It's an exquisite journey of great insight and clarity and then deep troughs of sadness and surrender. Round and round until the light begins to dawn again for a time and a new truth is uncovered. Do you know what I'm talking about? It all makes sense for a time and then off you go again down another rabbit hole looking and searching again. And within this turmoil of seeking there are tears and fears, doubts, laughter and many, many aha moments. Thank God there are, it's the only thing that keeps you going.

For me the deep connection to the divine, came first. The dreams of Angels came next.  And so the book, 'Peace Angels', was birthed.

After many years I finally had the realization that my truth is to serve Humanity. To be a Peace Ambassador, and to serve peace on this planet. And so the Peace Angels performance company was birthed. And now the realization is that I am helping to birth all the Angelic Beings living on Earth, and to anchor the Age of Angels......

By finding YOU!!!  Will you help me to find you? Please suggest ways that I might recognize you, that I might be able to contact you, hear you, see you and experience the grace that you carry.

Together we will lift and fly . . . . . . . .