Each of these very great beings began their work by following their hearts. By trusting their instincts and doing what they knew was right for them. Authentically living their truth.
144 Million angels to be found on Earth. Angel Beings, each containing a recognition of the Angelic Realms, a connection, a deep somewhat distant or strong belief that there is a thread of the angelic worlds within you. Conscious or unconscious, it's there. If you are one of these Angel Beings, you might not have yet realized that you carry this recognition of the Angelic Realm within.
Perhaps you have heard of Angels, and thought it sounded quite interesting, but never pursued anything more. I mean; angels, they are for children are they not? The naive belief that you or I will be protected, is such a quaint and lovely thought, a lovely image, but you know there's no truth in this. The notion that a Guardian Angel will stay with you for your whole life, will never leave you, will guard over you and send for other specific angels to help you in times of distress, ill health, parking issues, or any number of diverse challenges that you or I may be facing. Who in their right mind would countenance such a preposterous idea?
Well, children, of course. But as we become grown ups, this childish notion disappears, and we are left with the belief that we are indeed alone on the Earth, that we must struggle and push, and imitate and make everyone else believe that we are fine. Really fine, that we can do it, we are strong, invincible in fact. That we have it all covered. How many of us feel like this for years and years.
I remember it was in my twenties, when I had married early, had a very small (premature), baby, that I found life very, very difficult. Living in a house with no windows, well no glass in the windows, I was struggling, she was very upset at being early, put into a humidicrib and left there with only her parents hands to hold for weeks!. If I had only known at that time that I had Angels to call on.
I'm sure they did their very best to help, but really if I had known that there was a legion of Angels just waiting to help us! that we are all entitled to that help, and that I would have felt so much better if I had known that I was not alone.
You are not alone. I am not alone. We have never been alone. Always a Guardian Angel walks with you, behind you, watching and waiting for instructions. No they will not win the lottery for you necessarily. But they will whisper in your ear, warning you of dangers, inviting you to go the way that will lead to that lovely moment of synchronicity that you just can't explain. They will help to guide you to meet the person that will help you find a new job, search out the perfect house or just hold your hand when all seems dark and hopeless. Really they do!
Now the thing is that there are many of us here on Earth at this time, ready to wake up to a deep unspoken knowing, a distant memory within that we are connected to the Angelic Realms. Angel Beings on the planet. We look like everyone else, we work, have families, go about our daily lives. But within each of us, there exists a potential. An untapped potential to hear the Angel's whisperings. To feel their presence and to know that they are with us. To act upon this and to help them with their work. To do the work or play of the Angels on the Earth. Joy filled work of the Angels.
This is something new. Why would the Angelic Kingdoms want humans, or Angel Beings to help them with their work? Can't they do the work themselves? Why would they need us to help?
What I believe is that we are helping them to anchor and herald a new time. A different time for the people of Earth. A new way of being on our planet. We the Angel Beings and the Peace Angels are just one of the many beautiful vehicles here on Earth at this time helping to bring in this new world. We are here together to herald The Age of Angels, and to help bring forth The Golden Age of Peace. This is a momentous shift for humanity. We don't have to be frightened by this, or overwhelmed by it. Put simply we just have to play our part. Each of us will be a piece in the puzzle if you like. We each hold a key. It does not have to be grandiose or important. It's just our part. What's yours? Are you a Peace Angel? Do you carry the vibration of joy, love, mercy, compassion or integrity? Think about it, then simply sit and ask your Guardian Angel to help you. Ask them to show you how you might help to anchor The Age of Angels. Doesn't that sound splendid!? The Age of Angels!!! Oh my Lord. What a time to be alive on the planet.
I am turning my home office into a beautiful meditation room and I am now looking for large Angel paintings or prints for the walls. I began to write a song for the Age of Angels today and tonight I was wondering how many Angels are working with Elizabeth II. Its her Majesty's Diamond Jubilee. She has given such incredible service to her country - whether you are a monarchist or a republican, no one can deny the deep love and service that Queen Elizabeth II has given to Great Britain and the Commonwealth - and I have been wondering how many Angels have been helping her. I also wondered if her Majesty hears them whispering, telling her to speak to this person or that person and to stop now and listen to this person because they really need that to feel better. I'm sure that the Queen knows that she is not alone (there are hundreds of courtiers), but does she really know that she's not alone. That there would be literally thousands of Angels ready to do her work and play.
More importantly, do you know this? Have you started to talk to your Guardian Angel since reading this blog. Are you listening, asking them questions and waiting for the answers?
I felt that tonight I wanted to ask you again to consider your status. Are you an Angel Being on Earth? Have you asked simply, what is my job? What would you have me do? How can I serve humanity and help bring in the Age of Angels. . . .
Stop, feel, listen. . . . . .I dare you!
loads of love
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