Tuesday, June 26, 2012


144 Million Angels

Once again the Angelic Realm sits behind me around me and to the left and right.  They are so excited that again they will speak, and also speak through me. This week there is much to discuss.  Each of you has already understood the notion of the Angel Being on Earth. As such some of you has really fully understood that you do indeed carry this golden strand of DNA that will activate when you begin to do your work. Yes it sounds like science fiction and how could this be true? 

Well for a start you are reading this blog and the coding in the blog will help to wake you up. But this week, we are asking you to begin to truly contemplate the extra strand that you carry within you.

The next step is to begin to recognize this in others and to help them wake up. This maybe a matter of taking them to a meditation, or it may mean that you need to ask them if they believe in Angels and all that hooey, hah!!!

For the intrinsic nature of the Angelic Being is of joy, peace, compassion and mercy, and you will find an instant connection with some Angel Beings, you will not understand for many years why you are friends, or why when you met this person that you felt so comfortable and at ease with them.This is a subliminal connection that has been there for many many life times and incarnations. You are all like seed pods, and the nudging of one against each other will help you to remember who you are.

Although this sounds quite airy fairy it is indeed a very good system that was designed. You each carry coding and when you are with each other, you will find that the coding begins to activate and each of you will feel more alive, more connected, happier and ready to do something.  This may take time, but eventually your recognition of the coding within you will become stronger and  will naturally attract the energy of the other Angel Beings.

The purpose of waking up, is to do your work, and then to wake up others so that they may do their work.  all over the world there are pods of Angels, very large groups of you ready to begin waking and being Angel Beings on the Earth. Allowing the energy of the Angel Being to begin to emanate from within you will help to wake up other Angel Beings.

As we have said this will happen gradually over time and you need not believe that you are charged with the whole operation. There are many on the planet helping to do this. Imagine the Seed Pods, together, but with a sealed and protective coating around each of you. Keeping you safe until the conditions are perfect for you to burst through, to deliver to the earth the essence of the Angelic realm here. Walking and talking like everyone else but with such a purity of spirit, such a depth of compassion and such a heart of love that the Earth will never be the same. And that is exactly the point. The Earth WILL NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN!

There are many great Saints, Gurus and Spiritual Teachers here at this time to help all of you to wake up. To re-awaken within many of you, teachings that you already know, already hold within your bodies. Its like learning to ride the bicycle again. You have never forgotten, its all within you, you need now to re-acquaint yourselves with the ancient wisdom and the essential truths that hold this Universe in place.

We are all part of this wonderful cosmic experiment. Each of us plays a unique part in the bringing the Age of Angels out of the mists of time and into the reality of the now. As we lift together, there will be such joy, such learning and such connection that you will never believe that your heart could be that big. That you could wrap your wings around the Earth and help her to lift into more love, more peace and more joy.

Don’t miss the opportunity by being apathetic. Allow that impulse within you to be activated. Small acts of kindness and love. Small gestures of peace. Meditate, look within, talk to the Guardian Angel that is with you every minute of every day and has been since you arrived here on Earth. Ask for their help in knowing how to activate more and more.

We love each of you deeply, completely and adoringly.  Your service to humanity and to yourselves and your own development is a journey that we admire and support.

Be yourselves, completely and generously. Your truth is the key. Open the door  and have a look within, see the vast wealth of who you are shining back at you. Excavate and find
your jewels. And then . . . . . . . . . See those jewels within every person you meet.

I dare you!!!!

loads of love


Wednesday, June 20, 2012



When I sit and write for you each week I feel so connected to the Angelic Realm. I feel that they are looking over my shoulder and urging and listening and wishing that I would get out of the way so that they could speak.  So this week it's their turn.

We come to you at this time to remind you that we love each of you deeply. That each one of you is a member of a magnificent and loving group on earth called Humanity. Humanity has undergone tumultuous changes and shifts for many millennia, but at no other time has the energetic and vibrational shift been so great as it is at this time on your planet.  Be excited that you are part of one of the most momentous and exciting developments to date.

The beautiful Mother Earth, Gaia, Parameshware, is lifting and a more refined version of herself is now being birthed on the planet.  She is us and we are her.  So it stands to reason that we are all lifting with her.

Energy and spirit is coming together to build a new way on the Earth.

You are part of this great uplifting. This great rise in vibration that is now taking place. This is why we are looking to awaken all the Angel Beings on the planet at this time.

Are you one of these Angel Beings? If you are, its time to look for your work, look to talk with us, look to see the different levels of change and see how you may contribute to the changes with your actions and your intentions.

Life is precious. Each of you has chosen to live a life here on Earth, why would you waste this opportunity with complacency and boredom. With hours of nothingness when the whole planet carries such potential for each of you.  

I ask you again to wake up and remember who you are and to live your life from the highest intention, the greatest amount of passion, joy, hilarity, commitment, peace and love. 

Walking through the garden I marvel at the grand design of all that grows,  flowers and bears fruit. It's truly a miraculous thing to see. When we look at each of you it feels and looks the same. You are the garden that we are interested in. The many and varied jewels of heaven, each quite unique, different flavours, colours, shapes and sizes but each a grand design. Each containing the possibility of real  growth and flowering,  each capable of bringing the fruits of the divine here to earth. 

Is it fear of your true magnificence that keeps you quiet, or hidden or wishing to remain out of the light and in the dark?  I wonder if it's the circumstances of your lives that has over the years covered you with a web of old beliefs, habits and fears. So many that now you don't remember who you truly are. You have forgotten that underneath all of that you are an exquisite and unique you.  Shining from the inside, wanting to break through the old layers, to allow the seeds of peace and love to spring into life. 

The Age of Angels is imminent and we will walk with you on the Earth. As you may know we are here already, but our full time on Earth is yet to come. Please help us to be fully here by being your true selves. By living in truth. By being authentic. By doing the work, clearing out the old out of date stuff, meditating, learning more and more about your true nature. In doing this you make space in your being for your vibration to lift,  and so you allow the development  of your soul and your Angelic Beingness to anchor within your being.

Already many of you are awake, some still slumber, but only lightly and a little nudge will have you bursting into flower before you know it; and some are still snoring. Their time will come however to wake from the deep sleep of long ago and to see and feel and hear the call of their souls to the new dawn. The anchoring of the new Golden Age of Peace. There are many ways upon the Earth to begin your journey back to yourselves. Many modalities and types of awakening. Ask your soul to send you the one that best suits you at this time. Ask for help, ask us to help you to find the path back to yourself.  It will be our greatest honour and pleasure. Nothing is more important for your planet at this time. Nothing.

The road less travelled can have a much more beautiful view, more space for contemplation, longer views and visions, with Angels at your side and a big golden star ahead leading the way. And remember, you are never alone. Many unseen beings, Angels and friends walk with you and guide your journey.

Learn Beloveds to open your hearts,  connect to the stars, lift yourself up and bless the Earth below with your grace and your love.  She will thank you for it.

I dare you!!!

With my love,


Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Last week, on Thursday evening, our regular meditation night for the Peace Angels, we were shown that each of the Peace Angels has a seed of Peace within their hearts and that this seed is now being activated to begin the process of growing, of flowering.  Like any seed it has taken the intense work over the past eighteen months, of belief that they can hold peace, committment to meditation and a willingness to put on a robe and wings and publicly show the world that they are willing to be a public example of peace. This is the truth for the ones drawn to be Peace Angels but not this exacting for the other Angel Beings.

The heat that is created in our lives when we have the courage to step forward and begin the process of loving more, bringing more peace in and unblocking all that stands in the way of being a shining example of peace on the planet, can be somewhat unnerving to begin with. But it's the BIG game. The game that holds the most reward, the most points and the most self fulfillment, in my humble opinion. This has been the case for the Peace Angels because they have stood up and said I will be a "public expression of peace".

During this meditation I was really blown away watching how these seeds of peace were activated, and how when this happened as a unified group we were then able to awaken the seed of peace in others.(I am going to record the meditation and post it for all of you to do. I just need some studio time, which is not long in coming and I will get it to you).

It was the most revelatory and inspiring moment, to see that once you have awoken the seed of peace within yourself, you can wake it up in other people, like passing on a flame.

Sunday night I was watching a documentary on ABC about the planet and its evolution. Over the last two weeks it has been about the plant world, and as I am a deep lover of trees (really), I have been watching this program avidly. This week we learnt that seeds can withstand many trials, being burnt, shot out of guns, being seemingly destroyed by meteors obliterating earth and yet still given the right conditions, burst into life. 

Well guess what, the right conditions have arrived. The dark times, the old ways and the "meteor's",  effects have died down enough, so that the balance of light and love on the earth is being re-dressed.  So now at this time on the earth this wonderful flowering (excuse the pun) of you, can begin to occur.

Truly the seed is ready, it just needs you to recognize it. Believe that it is there deep within your heart, ready to burst into life. Yes it will need to be tended gently in the beginning, watered, loved, acknowledged and believed in, but it's up to you to begin this process.

You are the one that carries the hope of this planet. Not big business, not other teachers, politicians, or the like, in fact not someone else. You are the exquisite piece of the puzzle that the beautiful and magnificent Earth has been waiting for. Your peace, your expression of peace on the planet is what she is waiting for. Your flowering is what she is waiting for.

Together we can build such a garden that the heavens will explode with joy. Together we are the flowers and jewels that I have spoken of already. The Angel Beings that have lain dormant for centuries, waiting for the right time, for the conditions to be right,  for exactly the right ingredients to exist for us to survive, grow and flourish. It is now our time to begin this process.

Each of us is connected, I know that you have been told this before but it is true and please believe me when I say we are all connected. So think. If you allow this seed of peace to begin to flourish within you, and then, one after the other we all do this; then another million or so people do the same thing, I believe it will reach a tipping point around the globe and this individual and single act will help this beautiful earth to birth into the next stage of her development. Not to mention the grace that each of us will live with and that this will be reflected in the world around us.

The challenge for us all is that the Earth, politically, economically and in terms of her survival is being challenged at every turn at the moment. This is a big birth she is going through.  How do we nurture this seed of peace within each of us,  when all about looks so grim? Well, this is exactly when it counts the most. This is the time when we need to hold peace, when everything looks very hard and dark, this is when that seed will need to be weeded and loved and believed in, guarded against despair and hopelessness. It is easier when we are unified. When we know that many others are also holding their seeds, and that together we can build the garden. We don't have to do it alone. Remember you are never alone. Your Guardian Angel is with you always, and there are legions of Angels waiting for you to ask for their help. 

The Angels want me to tell you that they will be with us all the way. They will walk with us as we embed these seeds within our hearts. They will help us to remember that they are there and they will help weed out the old ways in order for the new ways to be birthed on the earth. Each of us is a jewel in the crown of this planet and each of us carries the coding to help her into the next phase of her existence. Do not falter and if you do just get up and begin again. There is no judgement no shame just love and gratitude for your part in the big game. Love each other, be happy and find a way to remember how wonderful it is to be here on the planet at this time.

Call your Guardian Angel and ask them to help. I will pray that each of you finds your, "Seed of Peace", and I will hold the vision of each of you being able to allow the seed to begin the journey of growing into the full expression of your true self. An exquisite Jewel of Heaven here on Earth.

I am so grateful that I have seen how I will find you all. Very grateful!!

In love with all of you,


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

 Each of these very great beings began their work by following their hearts. By trusting their instincts and doing what they knew was right for them. Authentically living their truth.


144 Million angels to be found on Earth.  Angel Beings, each containing a recognition of the Angelic Realms, a connection, a deep somewhat distant or strong belief that there is a thread of the angelic worlds within you. Conscious or unconscious, it's there. If you are one of these Angel Beings, you might not have yet realized that you carry this recognition of the Angelic Realm within. 

Perhaps you have heard of Angels, and thought it sounded quite interesting, but never pursued anything more.  I mean; angels, they are for children are they not? The naive belief that you or I will be protected, is such a quaint and lovely thought, a lovely image, but you know there's no truth in this. The notion that a Guardian Angel will stay with you for your whole life, will never leave you, will guard over you and send for other specific angels to help you in times of distress, ill health, parking issues, or any number of diverse challenges that you or I may be facing.  Who in their right mind would countenance such a preposterous idea?

Well, children, of course. But as we become grown ups, this childish notion disappears, and we are left with the belief that we are indeed alone on the Earth, that we must struggle and push, and imitate and make everyone else believe that we are fine. Really fine, that we can do it, we are strong, invincible in fact.  That we have it all covered. How many of us feel like this for years and years. 

I remember it was in my twenties, when I had married early, had a very small (premature), baby, that I found life very, very difficult. Living in a house with no windows, well no glass in the windows, I was struggling, she was very upset at being early, put into a humidicrib and left there with only her parents hands  to hold for weeks!. If I had only known at that time that I had Angels to call on.

I'm sure they did their very best to help, but really if I had known that there was a legion of Angels just waiting to help us! that we are all entitled to that help, and that I would have felt so much better if I had known that I was not alone.

You are not alone. I am not alone. We have never been alone. Always a Guardian Angel walks with you, behind you, watching and waiting for instructions.  No they will not win the lottery for you necessarily. But they will whisper in your ear, warning you of dangers, inviting you to go the way that will lead to that lovely moment of synchronicity that you just can't explain. They will help to guide you to meet the person that will help you find a new job, search out the perfect house or just hold your hand when all seems dark and hopeless. Really they do!

Now the thing is that there are many of us here on Earth at this time, ready to wake up to a deep unspoken knowing, a distant memory within that we are connected to the Angelic Realms.  Angel Beings on the planet.  We look like everyone else, we work, have families, go about our daily lives. But within each of us, there exists a potential. An untapped potential to hear the Angel's whisperings. To feel their presence and to know that they are with us. To act upon this and to help them with their work. To do the work or play of the Angels on the Earth. Joy filled work of the Angels. 

This is something new.  Why would the Angelic Kingdoms want humans, or Angel Beings to help them with their work? Can't they do the work themselves? Why would they need us to help?

What I believe is that we are helping them to anchor and herald a new time. A different time for the people of Earth. A new way of being on our planet.  We the Angel Beings and the Peace Angels are just one of the many beautiful vehicles here on Earth at this time helping to bring in this new world.   We are here together to herald The Age of Angels, and to help bring forth The Golden Age of Peace. This is a momentous shift for humanity. We don't have to be frightened by this, or overwhelmed by it. Put simply we just have to play our part. Each of us will be a piece in the puzzle if you like. We each hold a key. It does not have to be grandiose or important. It's just our part. What's yours?  Are you a Peace Angel? Do you carry the vibration of joy, love, mercy, compassion or integrity?  Think about it, then simply sit and ask your Guardian Angel to help you.  Ask them to show you how you might help to anchor The Age of Angels. Doesn't that sound splendid!?  The Age of Angels!!! Oh my Lord.  What a time to be alive on the planet.

I am turning my home office into a beautiful meditation room and I am now looking for large Angel paintings or prints for the walls. I began to write a song for the Age of Angels today and tonight I was wondering how many Angels are working with Elizabeth II. Its her Majesty's Diamond Jubilee.  She has given such incredible service to her country - whether you are a monarchist or a republican, no one can deny the deep love and service that Queen Elizabeth II has given to Great Britain and the Commonwealth - and I have been wondering how many Angels have been helping her. I also wondered if her Majesty hears them whispering, telling her to speak to this person or that person and to stop now and listen to this person because they really need that to feel better. I'm sure that the Queen knows that she is not alone (there are hundreds of courtiers), but does she really know that she's not alone. That there would be literally thousands of Angels ready to do her work and play.

More importantly, do you know this? Have you started to talk to your Guardian Angel since reading this blog.  Are you listening, asking them questions and waiting for the answers?

I felt that tonight I wanted to ask you again to consider your status. Are you an Angel Being on Earth? Have you asked simply, what is my job? What would you have me do? How can I serve humanity and help bring in the Age of Angels. . . .

Stop, feel, listen. . . . . .I dare you!

loads of love