Monday, April 30, 2012

Waking Up Angels

Waking Up Angels 

....and so this week the search continues to find the human angelic beings who are presently asleep on the Earth. And although this sounds like a preposterous proposition I have had many people call, speak and post messages of support and promises of help in locating all of these sacred and sleeping angels. Its been very heartening to find that many people want to help. 

Our connection to Angels is so very strong, that when it is made real for us, we are able to go there immediately. I read in the paper today about a woman who fell from a cliff in my area while she was bush walking, and in the local  paper she told the journalist, that her fall was broken, and made softer by the hands of the Angels.  

Although I have no idea how to find you all, I pledge that twice a week I will sit here and send out the call from the Angelic realms. That I will help them to locate you, to wake you up and to remind you of who you truly are.  We are not able to remember that we enlisted to do this job before we came here, no we thought and think that we are the same as everyone else. And in fact we are. But with one extra small but very significant difference... 

We are finely tuned and coded to the angelic realm. So we are able to access a deep sense of mercy, compassion, love and peace. These qualities and many more of this type are needed at this time for humanity to make the next leap, for all of us to help lift the consciousness of the planet. The beautiful Earth that we inhabit needs our help. Yes of course with the environment, and our use of the physical planet, but more importantly with the spirit of the planet.  

How often do we think about the spirit of the planet or even our country? How often do we think about our own spirits, and how they are going? We will be of great service in helping many to remember the spirit of the lands that we inhabit and also the whole, the magnificent Earth.

All this may seem very far from us individually, but if we contemplate that big idea, the one that you may have heard of, that we are all part of the whole. That we are part of the stars and the sun and the earth and the sea and the trees and fish and the animals etc, you know that really big idea, well then what each of us does on a daily basis is important. It is of great significance. Because we are all connected, to everything. Did I mention that we are also connected to the stars and the cosmos. Oh my Lordy, isnt that cool!!

So let us together begin to see the beauty, peace and grace in everything that surrounds us. Begin to see the perfection in all parts of our lives and the lives of our families and our friends.  Let us look for those qualities of mercy, love, peace and grace in each other. Really look for those qualities and then add in small gestures for peace. In your everyday life, look for opportunities to make small gestures, to see others small gestures. When you least want to, love more.

When you want to run away, emotionally, love more. Be safe but love more.
This is what will enliven your spirit. It will enliven your spirit so much more than shutting down and vague-ing out. 

So I invite you now to enliven your spirit and so enliven the spirit of the land that you live on by being more of yourself. By loving more and being more present to the idea that you are part of the whole. You are a significant part of this planet's spirit - eco - system. In doing so you will begin to awaken the code that you carry. So pass this on. Begin the chain reaction of love, peace, mercy and grace across this planet. Enlivening all of creation with your actions.
I dare you!!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Jewels of Heaven - 230412

So today is the day to begin. 144 million jewels of heaven, hidden, lost, sleeping, fallen,  hiding and cocooned angels here on earth, needing to be woken, released, and identified. Loved back into the truth of who they are. Like crystals in the Earth, treasures of love and peace hidden under the dirt, some completely covered and others close to the surface; a new race of humans.  I know that this sounds incredible, but this is the truth of what I have been called to do. I have been called to find them. The Earth now needs all of these potential Angels to help it to anchor a new consciousness. A new way of being for us all. These Angels will help tip the Earth into the new era. Wow! Oh my Lord what an incredible thing to be happening. The Golden Age of Peace. The Age of Angels.

Who are they, where are they, how do I find them. I'm not sure where to begin.  But I am happy to believe that this journey will be guided by the Archangels and the helping Angels and that together we will find every one. And if its not me that finds them all, then many will help. I know that already many people have felt a strong connection to the Angels here on Earth, and that there are some great writers, Saints and angelic experts already working in this area, maybe they will help as well.

I do feel very emotional as I write this, because it is very real for me. Its not just a passing fad working and loving and thinking about Angels.  For the past fourteen years I have been listening to them. On and off. Not always listening. sometimes working hard not to listen. But during that time I have seen them in a dream standing next to every human being on Earth. Guarding, protecting and loving every one of us. That's when I did the book Peace Angels.

I have dressed people as Angels and put them on the streets of Sydney, built shows around them, like "Walking Light", which was performed last year in Hyde Park in Sydney, Australia to anchor and celebrate the magnificent Peace that we enjoy here. I have dreamed about them and wished that like Lorna Byrne the Irish mystic, who writes about her experiences of Angels, that I could see them in the flesh and walk with them and just talk.  (It made me cry that I havn't done that as yet).

And then two weeks ago I had a download. Its such a strange way to describe it. But I don't know how else to explain it to you. Its like a shower of rain that comes from above and gives you information.

The information was to find these Angels. It explained to me that these humans carry a strand of DNA that has angelic properties. And they these humans are asleep to the fact that they carry this code. A code that when activated will help them to remember who they are,and the qualities that they carry.  And that this is needed now on the earth. I expect it could take some time to find them all but as I said before I know that many people will help me.

I'm still coming to terms with this whole notion of Angels being on Earth. Originally I thought that they were very separate beings, made of completely different energy. And this maybe the case, however I cannot deny what I know. I will test the proposition. I will travel to talk to experts. I will ask you to help me spread the word. I will just keep writing and listening.

I feel honored to have been asked to help them. The majesty and beauty of the Angelic Realm and the Archangels fills me with so much joy and reverence. I hope that during our conversations you will understand more of their work here on Earth, and that you will hear their call to action, and help.
love to you until next time

 PS Are you an Angel on Earth?